Palette Questions

Question Mode: palette




Palette questions enable you to use the WebEQ programmable editor interface to create your own customized palette for student response entries.  

Grading of Palette Questions

The default behavior for grading palette question student responses is to perform string-matching on the palette-created expression.


Note:  Palette questions should only be created using the Question Bank Editor.  Palette questions work by using WebEQ to generate Presentation MathML for the student response and compare it with the Presentation MathML of the answer. However, because there are many different ways of making Presentation MathML for the same (or almost same) marked-up expression, creating the expressions outside WebEQ may generate unpredictable results and it is difficult to tell if WebEQ-produced expressions are the same as expressions created outside the package.  

Example Question



  <the text of the question>



  <the text of the answer; this is in MathML and is intended to be human-editable>


qu.1.1.toolbar=<ref to external toolbar definition; see below>@

Toolbar/Palette definition in the Question Bank Header

Provide definitions for the Palette questions to use by including


  <webeq toolbar def>


Example Header Toolbar/Palette Definition:  










  <sub cols=3>







See Also:

Creating Palette Questions in the QBE

Rules for Grading Free Response Questions

WebEQ Toolbar

WebEQ Palettes and Templates